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Still Not Asking For It


The Still Not Asking For It project was born in July 2014. I was pregnant and when we discovered we were pregnant with a girl, the first thing someone said to my partner was 'well, time to buy a gun'; it was then that the shocking nature of embedded rape culture slapped me across the face.


Australian girls have a 1 in 4 chance of being sexually assaulted at some time in their life. Australian men have a 1 in 23 chance (80% of those assaults occurring before age 10), members of LGBTQIA+ community have a 1 in 2 chance and rates of sexual assault for those with an intellectual disability stand at 90%. We have a problem and SNAFI aiming to do something about it.


In 2016, the Still Not Asking For It project went viral receiving over 12 million unique clicks globally. The project received international acclaim and was featured on Sunrise, Grazia, ABC, The Huffington Post, Cosmopolitan, Bustle, Mashable, The Daily Mail, and various other media outlets.


The project include 96 photographs, two podcasts and more to come...


For regular updates, check out Instagram or the Facebook page.


As part of the SNAFI project, I now offer school based workshops concerning body image, photoshop, healthy sexual relationship, consent, sex education and everything in between.


One hour workshops can be tailored to suit your school/year group depending on the issues or pressures faced. These include real-time examples of retouching/alterations to photographs of a teacher or member of the school's staff, the intensive retouching process for celebrity portraits and apps such as FaceTune.


Workshops around healthy sexual relationships cover different topics for different genders and can include or exclude any topics necessary including social media, revenge porn, consent, pornography, domestic violence and sexting.


For consultancy inquiries, please call 0432 449 623 

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